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For grades three and four, the arts can get more intiresting. For example, I remember making and enjoying colourful patterns, drawing pictures, and creating things. Whether it was food or something made from tin foil, pipe cleaners, or twist ties. So here are two ideas of what I thought would be fun for someone in grades three or four.

Sand art-

The materials:
  • White salt
  • Colourful chalk
  • Plates
  • Funnel
  • Plastic or glass vases
  • Glue and/or corks(to make sure sand doesn't spill.)

  • Instructions:
    Pour desired amount of salt onto plate and use the chalk to colour the salt. Use a different plate for each colour. Place funnel on top of the vase and pour salt into it so that most or all of the salt ends up in the vase. Repeat with all colours until the vase is full. When you are satisfied with your design, use the glue to cover the top of the vase and ,if desired, place cork on vase of the glue for design. (If the bottle you are using has a cap instead (as seen below) then pour glue on top of sand, let dry, then place cap on bottle) Place your new decoration where ever you want.

    Cupcake Decorating-

    The materials:
  • Store bought or homemade cupcakes
  • Icing
  • Sprinkles
  • Chocolate chips
  • Gummy candies
  • Chocolate lentils
  • Plastic spoons and knives (for icing)

  • Instructions:
    Give each child a cupcake and let them decorate it. Then comes the best part. Eat it!